Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Globe and mail news article in regards to facebook

Click on link to read article Facebook's Photo-Tagging tweaks rig the game against privacy
  • Do you have a facebook account? Are you a frequent user of facebook?
Yes i do have a facebook account but i am not a frequent user of facebook.

  • Please list the issues and new messages you learn from this article.
I learned that facebook have made it now more difficult to untag yourself when you friend or someone tags you in a photo that you don't want to be tagged in, it also facebook is also eager for more tags that in other countries it has implemented a facial-recognition system that recognizes my friends faces and does the work for you. Facebook says its not planning to implement the system in Canada.

  • How does the facebook's photo-tagging feature work? (If you dont have a facebook account, you could answer the questions after the classroom discussion)
If my facebook friend have a photo of me and he/she would like to share it on my wall so myself along with all my friends can see all that friend have to do is to click tag an add my name and that picture will then be placed on my facebook page.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the photo-tagging feature?
The advantages of using photo-tagging feature on facebook is sharing your fun time of to friends, family and love ones.Your friends/Family can also tag you photos from school, graduation and sporting events of yourself or group that you maybe interested in but didn't have before.

 Some disadvantages are that  your friends/family may tag you in inappropriate pictures that you may not even be interested in like polites issues and immoral activities, sometimes your friend may find a picture when you were younger and drunk or some races pictures.

  • Do you understand facebook's purpose of setting up the complicated procedure to remove the tagged pictures?
Facebook likes it when people tag photos because it's good for business, the more internal links the site contains is the more people clicks and the more time people spend on the site, the more information is gathered about the users. 

  • What are the future improvements that facebook could do to protect the user's privacy?
Facebook can give the users an option to accept or decline being tagged in specific photos before its tagged on their walls in that way the user have more privacy and freedom of choice.

  • Based on the issue the article was talking about, will you stop or avoid using facebook if you have your colleagues on your friends list?
I will not stop using facebook because of the issues mentioned in the above article and the reason i say this issue may not affect me is because i am a mature young adult an always behave in a presentable manner, my friends will know what i stand for an what i will not tolerate an will not tag me in any in appropriate pictures.

  • Please leave any opinions you think about this article or the issues about internet privacy.
I found this article was very interesting and the issues were very clear, I do hope that some of my peers would share this article with someone that may need some of this information in regard to photo-tagging and facebook privacy.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

News Papers Article

Click to read article Internet search trick raises legal question

  • What is the main issue of this article?

The main issue of this article is that google is profiting from each company that is been charge by the number of people who search a particular keyword. Firms and companies are using keywords that are most popular for viewer to search even though it may not be owned by that particular company?
  • Do you think it's a good strategy to buy the keyword of your rival's trademark?

I personally do not see anything wrong with buying a keyword of my rival company because i will be the one to benefit from the increase of sales, products or services, i also see it as business i am paying for the keyword an I am making a profit from getting more business because of my decision to purchase the keyword of my rival.

  • Do you think it is fair to use your rival trade mark as your google search keyword?

I think it’s fair to use my rivals trademark as my google search keyword because it’s a business google is providing by selling the keyword search and am only paying google for service rendered, another reason why I don't have a problem with such action is because it’s not permanent and its legal to do such.

  • As a regular customer, what do you feel if you want to search company A on google, and get company B as your top search result?

I would be in very inquisitive if I was searching for company A and get company B, I will then continue my search to compare prices an products and may even purchase my item from company B if it’s a better deal.

  • If both company A and company B are selling similar products/services, will you click on the top result company B anyway? Even originally you were searching for company A?

I will click on company B out of curiosity just to see what they have and to find out what makes them pop up first, even though I initially wanted something from company A if when I search company B I get a better deal I will continue with company B and make my purchase.

  • If you are a business owner of company A, what do you feel when somebody using your trade mark as a keyword o google search?

As a business owner of company A I will feel like a VIP if someone is using my trademark as a google search keyword because they find it so beneficial to pay to use it, it most mean that I am doing well and they would like to be in my position.

  • From the newspaper, are there any clear rules to address this issue?

From the newspaper article there are no clear rules to address such issue.

  • If you are a business owner, will you try to bid your rival's trademark as your google search kaywords? How much you may want to pay for it?

If I was a business owner and my competitor is doing better than me I will try and bid on their trademark as my google search and will be willing to pay between 1cent to 1.5 per hit.

  • If business owners are trying to complete this way, will this cause a big confusion when internet audiances are trying to search something on google?

If this continues and get very rampant it will cause big confusion in the future by the audience who will get confused and angry at times when they are searching a particular keyword and are getting something different.

  • Do you have any suggestion about this issue?
To solve this issue there should be a law in place to prevent such actions from taking place if the business owners have an issue with it.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Songs of prayer

Rastafarians praise an give thanks to the most high Jah and mostly do so by singing chants and reading psalms.


Firstly a rastafarian does not comb or cut his or her hair instead they will wrap there head in a turban. The hair is kept clean by washing with natural plants like aloe and cactus, they also keep it moisted with oils such as coconut oil.